Making homes un-affordable – The con game
2 mins read

Making homes un-affordable – The con game

Bank of America voluntarily entered into a deal with the American people and by Government mandate promised that in exchange for bailing them out they would in turn work on a “Good Faith Effort” to modify the loans of all qualified homeowners who were affected by the Banking and financial meltdown which ironically was caused by themselves and were responsible for. By Congressional mandate Bank of America promised in exchange to being bailed out that it would make a “Good Faith Effort” to modify these troubled homeowners loans that were in trouble only due to their own gameplay and manipulation.

This was at the heart of the economic collapse and Great Depression of 2008, but instead chose to engage in a secondary dishonest con game of pretending to do just that but instead by their actions showed they had no intentions to do so as they proceeded to pretend and lead homeowners to believe they were first qualified for a loan modification under this bailout program while also starting foreclosure proceedings on qualified said homeowners and applicants all the while denying this by stating it was just routine just in case applicants did not qualify. Claiming that it could not and would not foreclose during an active modification, Bank of America flat out lied and did just that. The legal name to this practice is call dual tracking and Bank of America was prosecuted by the Government and fined. Found guilty and fined but not made to pay restitution to those they stole homes and life savings from.

Witness Bank of America making 3 different statements to each of the 3 interested parties involved here, the Homeowner, the Courts and the Government. There can only be one truthful story so which one is the truth and which 2 are the lies?

We the people know and have amassed the evidence with a timeline that shows just how this scam was played and how 3 different stories to 3 different parties was their gameplay.

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